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Student-幸福 横幅


开放大学学生健康的重点是使学生能够过上健康的生活方式,并就个人健康和福祉做出积极的决定. Interested in bringing a health and wellness program to your class, 学生组织, employee group and more?  联系 (电子邮件保护) to submit a request for a program.

The wellness team collaborates across campus to provide relevant, 为所有学生提供高质量的健康和保健计划和教育机会. Wellness workshops and programs can be requested by resident assistants, academic peer mentors, 顾问, 学术导师, 学生团体, 等. Programs, workshops and events are open to all.

Several on-going well-being programs and services are available. Those include The Green Bandana Project, iPause, Bright Light Therapy, 宠物疗法 and Student Wellness Coaching.

The Green Bandana Project

  • 绿色手帕项目的目的是为那些与心理健康有关的斗争的人传播资源的意识, break the stigma of mental health related concerns, and to develop a strong sense of connection and community at 365英国上市官网.
  • The goal of this opt-in campaign is to continually display a green bandana; provided by University 娱乐 & 幸福 and the Dean of Students Office, 表明你是一个有心理健康相关需求的安全的人,并且你是一个知道在哪里可以找到校园资源的人. Individuals who opt-into this campaign will not only be provided a green bandana, 同时也是一张校园资源卡,任何有心理健康相关需求的人都可以使用.
  • 想参与吗?? 点击 在这里 to sign up for the project.


A program designed to foster student, 教师和员工通过互动式研讨会的成功着重于通过正念来管理压力, emotional intelligence, anxiety relief and the promotion of related campus resources. Peer-led for student workshops, and Pro-led for faculty/staff workshops. 电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) to request the iPause program.

Bright Light Therapy

所有目前注册的学生和其他娱乐中心的顾客都有资格预订和检查一个明亮的光治疗箱. This is an evidence-based practice that can be beneficial for seasonal depression, sleep and mood regulation. Bright light therapy typically runs from October through March. Boxes can be reserved through the Rec井入口.


365英国上市官网每学期定期为社区提供免费的宠物治疗,以改善人们的精神状况, emotional and physical health. 要获得治疗犬在校园的完整时间表以及它们的位置,请访问 Rec井入口.

心理健康 First Aid Training

心理健康 First Aid (MHFA), created by the National Council for Behavioral Health, teaches individuals how to identify, 了解和应对成人精神疾病和物质使用障碍的迹象.  培训提供了接触所需的技能,并为许多正在发展精神健康或物质使用问题或正在经历危机的人提供初步帮助和支持.  365英国上市官网 provides MHFA for students, faculty and staff for FREE! 

Additional information can be found by visiting the Rec井入口.

Student Wellness Coaching

Student Wellness Coaching is currently only available virtually, 是一项免费服务,提供给目前在公开大学注册的学生,他们在改变健康的生活方式时需要支持. Submit a request for wellness coaching by emailing (电子邮件保护).

>For personal counseling, please contact the OU Counseling Center at 248-370-3465<

健康教练的目标是帮助你在生活中做出积极的改变,帮助你在管理压力等方面控制自己的健康和幸福, balancing time commitments, reaching fitness and nutrition goals, and sleep management.

健康教练没有评分,你所做的改变完全取决于你自己. The coach will not make you do anything, 它会为你提供实现目标的策略,帮助你一路前行.

8 Dimensions of Wellness

学生健康团队使用健康的8个维度模型来教育校园社区,让他们了解改善整体健康和健康的各种方法.  These dimensions include:

  • 身体健康
    • 锻炼
      • 目标是每周至少进行150分钟的适度运动或75分钟的剧烈运动
      • Add strength training activities at least 2 days per week
      • Try to spend less time sitting if possible
      • 参与 group fitness classes 在欧州大学体育中心. Center (students are FREE)
      • Make exercise fun by doing activities that you enjoy ... maybe try something new like participating in a sport that is offered 在欧州大学体育中心. Center
    • 睡眠
      • Aim to sleep 7-9 hours per night
      • Naps should be between 15-30 minutes
      • Create a sleep-friendly environment (dark, quiet & cooler in temperature)
      • 睡前20-30分钟避免视觉刺激(强光、电视、手机、电脑)
      • Try to maintain a regular wake & sleep schedule whenever possible
    • 营养
      • Aim to eat a variety of foods daily (eat the rainbow as often as possible)
      • Try to eat more produce opposed to processed foods
      • Diets that are lower in sugars and carbs are typically healthier for the body
      • Aim to drink half your body weight in ounces of 水 each day
      • Consider going to the Golden Grizzlies Pantry if you are low on food or simply want a quick snack to go during the day
    • 全面预防
      • Consider limiting your caffeine and/or alcohol consumption
      • 每年至少去看一次保健医生,进行全面的预防性健康检查
      • OU 葛培理健康中心 for your basic physical health needs 
      • Plan on going to the dentist every 6 months for a dental check-up and cleaning
      • Plan on going to the eye doctor once per year for a check-in on your vision
  • 情绪健康
    • 心理健康
      • 取一个 free online screening to assess your mental health and discover ways to get support 
      • 联系 OU Counseling Center if you need to seek professional support
      • 联系 OU SEHS Counseling Center if you need help coping with daily living issues like anxiety, 悲伤和失落, situational depression, relationship concerns, stress management and other issues
      • Having a trustworthy person to talk to, getting regular exercise, sleeping 7-9 hours per night, 健康和规律的饮食都有助于支持一个人的心理健康
      • 如果你正在与你的精神健康作斗争,并且有自杀的想法,请 拨打988 to get immediate help
    • 自我保健
      • Practicing self-care daily can enhance our ability to live fully and effectively
      • Activities to consider enjoying daily can include exercise, spending time in nature, 听音乐, 跳舞, 读一本书, practice deep breathing, 冥想, spend intentional time with others, clean or organize your space, write down what you are grateful for, 等.
    • 感情
      • Reflect each day on your emotions -- try to label your feelings, identify what they mean to you and how you can express them in a healthy way
      • Consider using a journal to record how you are feeling and your thoughts
    • 压力
      • 在有压力的情况下练习深呼吸(例如:5-9呼吸法就是用鼻子吸气5秒,用嘴呼气9秒).  Repeat that pattern of 5-9 breathing for a few cycles and notice how you feel
      • Don't have a stress ball handy when you could use it most?  没关系.  只要把你的注意力集中在任何一个肌肉群上,有目的地收缩(挤压)这些肌肉5秒钟, the purposefully relax those muscles to experience a deep sense of relaxation
      • 感激之情 - when we think about what we appreciate and are grateful for, 我们神经系统的平静部分被触发,帮助我们减轻压力
      • 是善良的 表现出善意(尤其是当你有压力的时候)可以增加你的幸福感和自尊感,同时减少压力
      • 加入一个 免费支援小组 通过开放大学咨询中心,在一个小组的环境中谈论你正在经历的事情,同时得到专业的支持
  • 社会健康
    • 社区
    • 社会时间
      • Be sure to schedule time in your week to be social with friends / family
    • 认识新朋友
      • Are you open to meeting new people and expanding your network?  如果是这样,上网或在你的社区里寻找结识新朋友的机会.
        • If you like art, go to an art gallery.  If you enjoy history, visit historic sites.  If you enjoy exercise, go to the gym.  Try to connect with people in the places you enjoy being.
  • Intellectual Wellness
    • 教育
      • 优先考虑你的教育,腾出时间来学习,完成课堂作业/项目
      • Expand what you are learning and challenge your mind by learning new things
      • OU Academic Success Center to join a study group, work with a tutor and receive additional academic support
      • Needing addition support? 联系 OU Disability Support Services office to find out how they can help you during your time at OU
      • 看看是什么 Dean of Students office 必须提供 so that students can be as successful as possible at OU
    • 个人利益
      • Reflect on what you enjoy and consider new things you'd like to try
      • 加入一个 学生组织 at OU to not only meet new people but to embrace your interests
    • 思维训练
      • 通过玩数独、单词搜索或填字游戏等益智游戏来保持思维敏捷
      • 参加 今日一词 to challenge your learning and knowledge
      • 与他人进行刺激的对话,并愿意扩大你的词汇量
  • 金融健康
    • 工作
      • Search for employment on & off campus to support your finances through 握手
      • 更新简历,以便在看到感兴趣的工作机会时及时提交
    • 银行账户
      • 和他们谈谈 OU信用合作社 in the 奥克兰中心 about different types of accounts and how to manage them
    • 理解债务
      • Debt can be accumulated in various ways; through credit cards, 贷款, 医疗费用, taxes and other living expenses
      • 联系 OU Student Financial Services office to discuss 贷款, education related bills, and applying for aid
  • Occupational Wellness
    • 就业
      • 你的职业生涯 & 生活设计中心 to get support with your resume, 在握手, searching for 校园 jobs, setting up a LinkedIn profile, interviewing skill building, create a cover letter and get a professional headshot taken for FREE 
    • 工作关系
      • Having healthy relations with those you work with is important.  因此,考虑在工作中与他人建立联系,并开始与同事建立牢固的关系
    • 平衡
      • 经常花时间反思,以确保你在工作生活和个人生活之间取得健康的平衡.  If you find yourself not feeling well balanced, consider taking steps to improve your balance at work and at home
  • 精神上的健康
    • 信仰
      • Take time to focus on the things you believe and value.
      • Consider sharing your beliefs, 将价值观和原则作为加深人际关系和扩展世界观的一种手段
    • 参与
      • Learn about different 学生组织s 并决定哪一个(几个)是最适合你参与的
  • Environmental Wellness
    • 绿色生活
      • Get involved with the Sustaining Our Planet Earth group 校园
      • 在医院做志愿者 Campus Student Organic Farm and get involved with other students, faculty & staff to help grow plants, fruits and vegetables for others to benefit from
      • 尽可能多地回收物品,并在适用的情况下购买可回收的产品
      • 试着限制你每天浪费的水(刷牙的时候把水关了), 快速淋浴, only turn the 水 on when you actually need it)
      • Reflect on your power use every day.  Are you leaving the lights on even when you aren't in the room? 你能不能洗一大堆衣服,而不是少洗几件,这样会消耗更多的能源 & 水? 
    • 风景
      • 找到你喜欢的户外活动,帮助你欣赏周围的环境
        • When walking around campus, be mindful of what you are seeing, 听力, smelling and touching regarding the natural environment (plants, 树, 野生动物, 等.)
    • Personal Environments
      • Keep your spaces clean, tidy and organized
      • Make a weekly schedule for yourself (ex: clean the bathroom on Sundays, dusting and sweeping every Wednesday, 星期五洗衣, 等.)


娱乐 and 体育运动 Center
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-4REC (4732)